Explainer Videos: How to Engage Your Audience & Drive Results

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An explainer video is a video that businesses often create for marketing or sales purposes. It is a video of a short length and often lasts 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Explainer videos mainly fall into two categories, including live-action and animated videos, and the latter is highly popular. More often than not, businesses deploy animated explainer videos on the homepage of their websites. Additionally, some businesses exploit explainer videos on social media platforms, like Facebook and YouTube, for advertising purposes. 

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What Is the Purpose of Explainer Videos?

More often than not, companies create explainer videos for sales and marketing purposes. Nonetheless, the purpose of explainer videos is not limited to sales and marketing. Here are various purposes that explainer videos serve:

‣  Businesses often use explainer videos to introduce their products or services to customers.

‣  Additionally, companies use explainer videos to explain complex processes to the audience in an easy-to-understand manner.

‣  Further, you can also utilize explainer videos for training, such as tutorial videos.

‣  Companies also create explainer videos to connect customers with their brands and encourage sales.

‣  Explainer videos also help people deliver important information in a presentation in a short time.

‣  Businesses also create explainer videos to promote their company culture.

What Are the Benefits of Explainer Videos?

The benefits of explainer videos are manifold, and here they are:

‣  Explainer videos help businesses effectively capture the attention of their target audience.

‣  In addition, they help businesses boost conversions with prominent visibility online.

‣  In addition, explainer videos help businesses emotionally connect with the target audience and improve their brand presence.

‣  An explainer video with an energetic or welcoming vibe can leave a positive impression of your business on customers.

‣  Explainer videos are more shareable than text, as videos engage customers better than text.

‣  Plus, they fascinatingly help companies reflect their brand culture

‣  Animated explainer videos, in particular, help brands explain complex concepts and ideas to their customers.

‣  Further, explainer videos help brands captivatingly explain their products and services to customers.

‣  Deploying an explainer video on your website can help you improve your SEO ranking.

‣  Moreover, explainer videos aid businesses with an increased customer retention rate.

‣  These videos are an excellent addition to marketing campaigns and make them successful.

‣  Most importantly, these videos help businesses establish trust and build credibility.    

Are Explainer Videos Still Popular?

Explainer videos are popular to date for many good reasons. Further, the following are three reasons to justify why explainer videos are still popular today:

‣  Video content is easier to digest for the business’s target audience than text and language.  

‣  Conveying your message via a video helps you build a more personal connection with your viewers.

‣  People like getting information quickly, and explainer videos do it effectively.

Why Do Businesses Need Explainer Videos?

Businesses need explainer videos because these videos have the power to attain multiple results for them. Here is why businesses need explainer videos:

‣  To fascinatingly attract customers to a brand

‣  To deliver complex information about products or services to customers in an effective manner

‣  To increase brand awareness after making customers recognize a brand

‣  To make potential customers take action and finally buy a product or service of a business 

What Is the Impact of Explainer Videos?

Explainer videos are a powerful tool for positively impacting customers’ minds about your businesses. Here is how explainer videos make an impact on the target audience of a business:

‣  Explainer videos interestingly and positively deliver information to a business’s target audience.

‣  Plus, these videos make customers emotionally connect with a brand.

‣  Also, explainer videos help customers easily retain the information that these videos deliver.

‣  Most importantly, explainer videos make customers take the action businesses want them to take to increase conversions.

How Long Should an Explainer Video Be?

The shorter your explainer video is, the better it is for your brand. In general, the optimal duration of explainer videos ranges from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. In any case, explainer videos that are 60 to 90 seconds in length are highly effective. 

How Many Words is a 3-Minute Video Script?

A narrator or a voice-over artist can speak 420 words on average for a 3-minute video. Thus, the ideal word count for a 3-minute video script is 420. 

How Many Words is a 60-Second Explainer Video?

Generally, a voice-over artist can speak 140 words for a 60-second explainer video. Therefore, the ideal word count for a 1-minute or 60-second explainer video is 140.

How Many Words Is a 30-Second Explainer Video?

A voice-over artist can comfortably speak 70 words for a 30-second explainer video. Thus, 70 words are the ideal word count for a 30-second explainer video

What Should an Explainer Video Include?

The creation and finalization of an explainer video entail a process. Plus, here are the things that explainer videos include as per the steps that explainer video production goes through:

Step 1:  Coming up with a script for an explainer video
Step 2:  Recording the voiceover for an explainer video
Step 3:  Make an explainer video. It entails a storyboard, illustrations, and animation for an animated explainer video. 
Step 4:  Deploying the right music and sound effects for explainer video production

What Are the Different Types of Explainer Videos?

When it comes to explainer videos, they have many types. Nonetheless, the following are seven different types of explainer videos that companies often deploy and really work for businesses:

2D Animated Explainer Videos:

A business may create and use this explainer video type to explain complex topics to the audience with humour.

3D Animated Explainer Video:

It is an explainer video type that helps businesses demonstrate complex processes or depict the benefits of products to the audience.

Motion Graphics:

Businesses create and deploy this video type to focus viewers’ attention on important details, like numbers.

Whiteboard Animation:

B2B companies may use whiteboard animation to explain complex processes or outline their brand history.


Companies use this type of explainer video to tell about people behind the curtains of their business.


It is a video type for showcasing the products or services of a company right on the screen.

Kinetic Typography:

A business may deploy this explainer video type to present many facts to the audience that are difficult to understand.  

Which Format Is Best for Explainer Videos?

Explainer videos have different formats, such as whiteboard animation, 3D animation, 2D animation, etc. Nevertheless, 2D animation is the most popular format for an explainer video. Many businesses prefer creating 2D animated explainer videos due to their cost-effectiveness. Nevertheless, 3D animation remains a choice for a business that can afford to invest more to create high-quality explainer videos. Still, 2D animation is the best format for explainer videos, as it is generally the pick of most businesses.

What Are the 5 Types of Videos?

The five types of videos include the following:

Documentary Films:

This video type aims to educate, communicate, or raise awareness about a subject.

Entertainment Videos:

As the name indicates, these videos are for fun or entertainment.

Educational Videos:

The purpose of these videos is to deliver information about a specific subject. A few examples of these videos include job training and online learning videos.

Promotional Videos:

Companies generally use promotional videos, such as animated explainer videos, on the homepage of their websites or social media channels. A few examples of these videos include product demonstrations and testimonial videos.

Informational Videos:

These videos present to-the-point information to the customers quickly and succinctly.  Fact-based narration and interviews are a few examples of informational videos.  

What Are the Four Elements of a Good Video?

The four elements of a good video, such as an explainer video, include the following:

1) The Problem: You tell your customer the problem they are facing.
2) The Solution: You introduce your product or service to solve your customers’ problems.
3) How It Works: Next, you tell the target audience how your product or service works.
4) Call to Action (CTA): Lastly, you tell your audience via CTA what they need to do next.  

What Are the Three Main Stages of Creating a Video?

The three main stages of creating a video include the following:

1) Pre-Production: This entails preparing and setting the groundwork for video production.
2) Production: It involves capturing all elements for video production.
3) Post-Production: It entails the editing that a video requires and, eventually, finalization. 

What Are the Three Phases of Making a Video?

The following are the three phases of making a video:

‣  Plan, Plan, Plan!

‣  Filming

‣  Editing 

What Are the Five Key Elements of Creating a Video?

The following are the five elements of creating a video plus making it stand out amongst the audience and competitors:

1) Wow Factor:

You need to hook customers with your video in the first five seconds.

2) All the Feels:

You should connect your audience emotionally with your brand with your video.

3) Tailor-Made:

A video should make your customers realize you have created a video for them. 

4) Short and Sweet:

The shorter and more entertaining your video is, the better it is for your customer and your brand.

5) Now what?

A video should make your customers take the action you want them to attack after watching your video.

Does an Explainer Video Need a Voice-Over?

Investing in a voice-over for an explainer video is often advantageous for businesses. Here is how a voice for an explainer video benefits brands:

‣  A professional voice-over aids brands in building trust.

‣  Deploying the right voice-over for an explainer video can connect customers emotionally.

‣  Further, it can help brands easily convey detailed information to their target audience. 

Moreover, there are instances when you can skip a voiceover for an explainer video, such as:

‣  When an explainer video is easily understandable

‣  When you are targeting a global audience 

What Comes First Voice Over Or Animation?

You should know the result of your video animation is contingent on the tone of the voiceover for your video. Additionally, the voice over for your video should go in line with the animation. Hopefully, you would have also understood what comes first, voice over or animation. Of course, the recording of the voice-over should come first and the animation after.

How Much Is a 30-Second Explainer Video?

There is no correct answer to this question: How much is a 30-second explainer video? The cost of explainer videos depends on certain factors. For example, the complexity, voiceover, project deadline, and graphics are some factors that play a role in determining the cost of an explainer video. Further, expect to pay a video animation agency $1500 to $2500, in general, for a 30-sec animated explainer video.

How Much Does a 1-Minute Explainer Video Cost?

The cost of a 1-minute explainer video can vary from $5000 to $35000, depending on certain factors. For example, the video style and the project deadline are factors that determine the cost of animated explainer videos. According to data available related to the probable cost of an explainer video, the cost of a 1-minute 2D animated explainer video can range from $8000 to $50000, whereas the cost of a 3D animated explainer video can range from $10000 to $200000 

How Much Should I Charge for a 5-Minute Video?

You can charge $1500 to $10000 for creating a 1-minute video based on your experience and skills in video production. It means you can charge your clients $50000 as an individual for creating a 5-minute video for clients. Further, you may create a 5-minute video for your clients for $15000 when you want to attract clients if you are a beginner to start hiring you for video making. To make a long story short, how much you should charge for a 5-minute video depends on your skills as well as experience. 2

How Much Does It Cost to Edit a 3-Minute Video?

On average, a video editor charges $350 to $400 for editing a 3-minute video, which may include editing simple 2D graphics, images, and audio upgrades. It means the cost to edit a 3-minute video increases when an animator has to make more edits to a video.

How Much Does A 60 Second Explainer Video Cost?

The cost of an explainer video of 60 seconds depends on various factors, such as project deadline, project complexity, etc. Nevertheless, creating a 60-second explainer video can cost around $8000 to $50000.

How Long Does It Take to Make a 1-Minute Explainer Video?

A video animation agency can take 4 to 8 weeks to create explainer videos based on their length and complexity. Nevertheless, you can expect an explainer video company to take 4 weeks to make a 1-minute explainer video. Further, an explainer video company can take longer than the aforementioned time frame, such as 6 weeks, when clients ask a company to make some changes to a video before finalizing it. In most stances, the time it takes to make a 1-minute explainer video is 4 weeks.

How Much Should I Pay for an Explainer Video?

How much you should pay for an explainer video depends on certain factors, such as the length of your video, the complexity of your video,  the format you choose for video production, etc. In general, creating an explainer video of 90 seconds can cost you $12000 to $75000, based on the video animation agency you choose to create it. Nevertheless, In any case, you can still create a high-quality explainer video of 90 seconds for $12000 to $18000, provided that you choose an animator that best fits your budget and needs for explainer video production.

How Much Does It Cost to Make a 2-Minute Animation Video?

If you choose a professional-level animation company, the cost to make a 2-minute animation video will be $16000 to $50000. Furthermore, the aforementioned cost can substantially increase if you choose a broadcast-level animation company to create a 2-minute animation video. You also have some cheap alternatives for creating an explainer video of 2 minutes, such as hiring a freelancer or using a free tool. Nevertheless, relying on the cheapest options will not help you get a higher return on investment, unlike hiring a professional-level company for explainer video production.

How Much Does It Cost To Make a 1-Minute Animated Video?

The cost to make a 1-minute animation video is dependent on diverse factors. The project complexity, deadline, and the animator you choose, to name some of them.  Expect to pay a professional video animation agency $8000 to $25000 for creating a 1-minute animated video. A broadcast-level animation company can cost you $25000 to $100000 to make a 1-minute animated video.